Sicily - Belgium : Tale of a Return Journey

A Family, Roots and the Tree Memory (soon available in English)

Our History

As thousands of others we are sons and daughter of immigration. As thousands of others we have two countries, two mother tongues and two cultures. As thousands of others our parents wanted for us the best of the world. And we understood very early that nothing drops from the sky but rain and bird shit. With study and effort we overcame many frustrations. Never forgetting were we come from. And that's were we take you...

" Il n'a pas trouvé mieux que son lopin de terre et que son vieil arbre tordu au milieu..."

We don't sale olive oil, we share our values (soon available in English)

From farm to food

Do you need an explanation to be convinced that the best food on earth is the one provided by Mother Nature, free of human input? Worthless isn't it.  That's the reason why we offer affordable product coming from (ultra)reasonable agriculture, delivered to your place, intermediate free through a sustainable partnership. Close to what you would have farmed by yourself. Indeed, your name stand on the tree...

100 % Authentic ; 300 % Sincere

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Prologue : Venisti a rumpervi u culu

5 Giorni in Sicila : what happen between 9th and 14th of December 2019

Behind the curtain, simple (wo)men

"Attirés par les étoiles, les voiles... Que des choses pas commerciales"

Business Man

Whether he works, or invents stories. Thereafter he brings them to life. He likes planting trees and drink their fruits, once distilled. Should pizza don't exist, he would have invented it.

Fisher Man

Whether he is fishing or growing vegetables. Especially tomatoes. Of all colors. Yes, we know. Tomato is a fruit, so what? At work he thinks about the fishes he will fish.

Medecine Man

Whether he is hiking, or eating fishes. Of all colors. Sometimes he heals people. He knows were the Mysterious Cities of Gold are but won't disclose it. He swear it to one-eye Willy.

Bio (Wo)man

Whether she works or she cooks arrancini. Her brothers can do it too though prefer eating hers. Same for sicilian pannelle. Don't think it too much. When it's delicious, it's delicious.

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